Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How to Assess the Condition of your Trees

If you have trees near your home, looking out for some distress signals will help you to know if they are about to fall. There are many ways to know if your tree is in danger of falling over so that you can take the right measures. For instance, after the storm is over you may want to walk around the area and look at the condition of the foliage, branches and bark of the tree. If the bark is peeling, this could be a sign of trouble. You can also check if the tree has any brown leaves or dead wood by inspecting it closely using binoculars.

What happens when a tree leans on one side?
Trees normally lean on one side. It’s quite unusual for a tree to grow straight. However, when the tree is leaning too much on one side, it shows that there’s an issue with the distribution of weight or damage has occurred on the roots. If the tree is clearly unstable, something needs to be done immediately. You may even notice cracks on one side of the tree or exposed roots on the base. One of the ways to deal with this unequal weight distribution is to prune branches on the heavier side of the tree. An arborist will be able to recommend the most suitable method for dealing with such cases.
Managing trees on your property

There are many ways to deal with trees in your property and make sure they are safe. Remember that it is your responsibility as a home owner to identify tree hazards and prevent them. Sometimes regular tree care can help to prevent some of these defects from getting out of hand and presenting serious risks. An arborist is well trained to recognize a tree hazard and then advice on the best method to address the situation.

There are cases where improper pruning can weaken a tree. Most homeowners contract anyone to prune their trees not knowing that if done inappropriately pruning can cause significant damage. For this reason, make sure the person you hire to do pruning work is a certified arborist.
In case the tree is at risk of falling, you need to get rid of any items that can be hit by that falling tree. This includes cars, outdoor furniture or landscape items that are adjacent to the falling tree. If the tree is close to a power line or can cause damage to the home then it can be removed safely instead of waiting for it to fall.

Most people will only take care of the young trees. Mature trees also need to be well taken care of. They need adequate water supply and in some cases, fertilizer and mulch in order to develop properly. Pruning can also be done depending on the season and the structure of the tree.  If the tree is hazardous, it’s best to have it removed.  You can have a replacement by looking for a more ideal place to plant a new tree once the hazardous one is removed.

Posted By: All American Tree Pro http://allamericantreepro.com 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Top Considerations When Choosing A Tree For Your Property

Many property owners have acquired the good old habit of planting trees. Once you've made a decision to start planting trees, choosing the right type of tree and making sure you plant it at the right location is very important. It pays to spend time and perform a little more research on the types of trees most suitable for your home or commercial property. Here are some things to consider when you decide to plant trees.

Check for utility lines

We often come across property owners who spend years taking care of trees which were planted in the wrong places only to be forced to cut them as they grow to maturity. Avoid planting large trees close to the house where they block all the sunlight or interfere with the utility lines above. Instead of planting trees on the north side of your house, consider the southwest and west areas of the house because they will provide a better shade during the summer months.

Understand the tree's purpose

Are you planting the tree in order to beautify the outdoor environment? Do you want to get more shade and reduce the cost of energy in your home or property? There are many reasons why people choose to plant trees. Once you determine your goals of planting trees within your property then you'll be able to choose the different trees that can help you to achieve them.

Consider the environmental factors that affect the growth of trees

The trees that will thrive well in your property will depend on where you live and the weather conditions of that area. You'll have to determine the hardiness zone of that area as well as its soil conditions. There are trees that will grow in almost any type of soil whereas others have to be planted in a specific kind of soil; so it helps to know the kind of soil in our yard.

Know the maintenance demands

For the trees to thrive well over the years, they need to be properly maintained. There are trees that require consistent watering whereas others are drought-tolerant and can go for prolonged periods without water. However, most trees require regular watering during the first few years of life. You'll have to water the trees more during the summer due to the heat but avoid over-watering.

Height and spread of the tree once it matures

Knowing how large the tree can grow will help you to select the right location or choose a smaller tree that is suitable for your property. Trees can grow to a wide range of heights depending on the type of tree species you planted. There are trees like the pine redwood which can grow up to a height of 100 inches. You'll want to choose a shorter tree if the mature tree will become an obstruction. Remember that sun exposure will also affect how a tree thrives. Still don't know the kind of tree to plant on your property? You can get in touch with a tree expert for more specific advice.

Removal of stumps depends on the tree, hence; the technique varies tree to tree. Though, if you follow the right technique, you can remove the stump on your own. However, it is suggested you ask All AmericanTree Pro to do the job.http://allamericantreepro.com